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Snow White (Hilmar)

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Photo by gwaar

There was once a man named Snow White.
He liked to lick Sora's ear. Sora was also a man.

When Snow White was walking in the forest a strange pedofile came out and gave Snow White a banana. He ate the banana and fell to an endless sleep.

When Snow White fell asleep the pedofile/Peter, did Nasty things with him.

Sora the prince noticed that Snow Was gone. He went to look for him.

Sora found a little hut, it said PETER on it. He knocked on the door and the pedofile came out sweaty and tired. Sora saw Snow White behind Peter and stabbed Peter in the heart.

Before Sora went in he heard the 7 little black women come. They told Sora she could never awake again. So they buried Snow White.

Before the 7 little black women buried Snow White, Sora licked Snow White's ear and Snow White awoke.

And they lived happily ever after.