当我们开始制作Haiku Deck时,我们有一些产品目标。“让它变得简单”填写清单,以及“提供完美的美丽”。在手中,我们坐下来建立衡量我们成功的基准。在这个会议期间,我开玩笑说,如果我的妈妈可以创造甲板,我会知道我们已经实现了让Haiku Deck的目标,而无需致电我的技术支持。不要让我错了 - 我的妈妈是一个聪明,创意和令人难以置信的女人。She raised not one, but two “computer genius” sons (neither of us can write a line of code), she runs a medical office entirely by computer (1980’s era, no less), and she had the foresight to buy her sons an Apple II+ when all they wanted was an Atari. All this, and mom makes a brisket famous the world over.

